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Installation Questions

How do I cut paving slabs?

It is essential to use the correct cutting blades for the type of paving you have. For concrete and natural stone paving you should use a diamond blade disc cutter and with porcelain paving, a specific porcelain blade should be used. With porcelain...

For timber buildings and features, what tools do I require?

As a general guide, for larger buildings and gazebos, we would recommend: Hammer Screwdriver (ideally cordless with both flat and Philips heads) Drill with 2mm drill bits Stanley knife Spirit level Tape measure Step ladder For smaller features...

Can I lay paving using spot bedding?

The simple answer is no! This is a very poor laying technique and not all all suitable for laying paving as the stone will absorb the pattern of the mortar bed and this will appear on the surface on the stone. It will also dry unevenly each time it rains...

How do I install wall cladding?

Porcelain and natural stone veneer wall cladding is a popular choice for those who want to add a sleek and modern look to their walls. Porcelain veneers are thin, lightweight tiles made of porcelain that are attached to the wall using an ...

Do you install garden buildings?

We do offer an installation service on many of our garden building products and this is shown on the product page when available.   If not specified, all buildings and timber items require construction on site and will often need minor cutting...

Which GftK Jointing Product Should I Use?

The GftK paving joint products are reknowned as being the best in the industry for their long term performance and ease of use. This handy guide advises which product is best suited to each application, the instructions for use and video case studies...

How do I lay stone paving with tapered edges?

Many natural stone paving products have tapered edges. Always lay the stone with the smaller face downward. Although at first glance, it may appear that the tapering allows for a jointing gap, this is not the case at all and the joints would be far too...

What are the white, dusty marks/ scuffs on my paving surface?

When natural stone paving slabs are quarried around the world, the material is extracted from the rock face and cut to size using large industrial saws and then, often finished by hand. The quarries are dusty, dry environments and the paving is usually...

Can I seal my new paving?

It is fine to seal your new natural stone or concrete paving (porcelain does not need sealing) straight after laying the paving providing you use an impregnator sealer such as the Pavetuf range available on our website. Impregnator sealers are water-...

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