Tips on Preventing Garden Pests and Diseases

It’s incredibly frustrating to see that all of the hard work, effort and money that you’ve put into landscaping your garden to exactly how you want it, go to waste as a result of garden pests and diseases. Unfortunately, it is likely that most of us will have had this problem at some point and it can be difficult to know how to get rid of them. This guide should give you advice on how to prevent the problem of pests and diseases in the first place.


  • In general, a healthy garden is the best way to prevent pests from invading your garden. You could try these ideas:
  • Remove any weak plants- If these aren’t weak because they’re already infected, they will soon attract garden pests. When you’ve removed the plant, you should dispose of it away from the garden.
  • Ensure healthy and organic soil- Using natural compost, mulching and natural fertiliser on your plants is the best way to ensure that your plants grow strong and will be more resistant to any potential pest damage.
  • Reduce Insect Habitats- Clear areas of your garden that are filled with debris and weeds; these are perfect habitats and breeding places for insects, so clear spaces will discourage them from nesting.
  • Keep plants and foliage dry- Of course, you must water your plants, but you should aim to do this early on in the day in order that they will dry in the morning sun. If your plants are left damp throughout the day, insects will be encouraged to settle here.


  • Diseases may be more difficult to prevent than pests, but there are still steps you can take to reduce the risks:
  • Give plants room- Planting plants too close together means there will be a lack of air circulation, which can be an encouragement to diseases and will allow them to spread easily.
  • Keep your garden clean- Piles of fallen leaves and other debris in your garden are perfect places for potential diseases to thrive. To avoid this, tidy any mess in your garden and keep patio areas clean.
  • Always replace soil- Never plant new plants in soil that has been used. Doing this means any diseases that might have been present in the old plants will be transferred onto the new ones. To avoid wasting old soil, you could put it on the compost heap.
  • Avoid using nitrogen fertilisers- Despite the fact that they encourage rapid plant growth, the plants often end up being weaker and more susceptible to diseases. Instead you should opt for a slow-release or organic fertiliser to get stronger plants.
  • Keep your tools clean- Using tools on uninfected plants that have been in contact with diseased plants before is a sure way to ensure that disease spreads throughout your plants. Use a weak bleach solution in order to clean them sufficiently.

Do you have any of your own tips and advice for preventing garden pests and diseases? Share your ideas with us in the comments section below!

[Photo Credit: Shelley & Dave ]