Poinsettias are the classic Christmas plant and they are sure to add seasonal cheer to any home over the festive period. However, they are renowned for being difficult to care for, which may put people off of this beautiful plant. Follow these tips, however, and you can rest assured that your poinsettia will remain beautiful well past Christmas.
1.Keep In Stable Conditions
Poinsettias originate from warmer temperatures than we experience in Britain, so it is important that you keep them in an environment that has a warm, stable temperature. You should keep them somewhere that has a good light supply, but avoid placing them in direct sunlight or anywhere with draughts.
2.Water With Care
Overwatering your poinsettia is the fastest way to cause damage to it- this may mean you don’t need to water it everyday. As a rule, wait until the surface of the compost dries out and then water it thoroughly.
3.Keep In A Humid Conditions
Originating from humid conditions, poinsettias thrive well in them. To recreate humid conditions, place their pot on a pebble tray; it will help to prolong the life of the bracts.
4.Don’t Give Up On It
Even when your poinsettia has begun to wilt, you shouldn’t give up without trying to save it- you will be surprised how you are able to bring it back to life. Soak the root ball in warm water to revive your wilted poinsettia and you there should be a visible difference within one hour, meaning that you will quickly know if you can enjoy it for a little longer.
How To Keep The Poinsettia Year After Year
Whilst it is notoriously difficult to keep the same poinsettia blooming year after year as it is difficult to provide their necessary optimum growing conditions, it is not impossible. Give it a try!
- Water the plant regularly until March, following the same routine of waiting for the surface of the soil to dry out.
- In March, reduce watering and prune back the plant and keep it dry once it has dropped its leaves.
- At the beginning of May you should increase watering again and re-pot when new shoots start to develop.
- Once the plant has reestablished you should begin feeding it weekly with a balanced liquid fertiliser.
- In the middle of October, you should allow the plant to have around 12 hours of sunlight each day. For the remaining 12 hours of the day the plants should be kept in darkness and at a minimum temperature of 18C. If you are unable to provide the plant with the full 12 hours natural sunlight, supplementing it with artificial light will suffice.
- Continue regular watering, and place the plant back into its stable, warm conditions.
If you follow these tips you can be well on the way to brightening up the dreary winter months with the deep red bracts and beautiful bright yellow flowers of your Christmas poinsettia.